
Why you should combine multi-stratified random sampling with cluster sampling when conducting fieldwork in Romania. Part II

Now that we’ve established the context, I feel that we can return to our discussion about multi-stratification. Stratification is employed when you can divide the population into sub-groups which are heterogeneous, disjunctive. They do not overlap. This separation is very clear. It somewhat helps to break a large population or area into smaller, more manageable […]

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Why you should combine multi-stratified random sampling with cluster sampling when conducting fieldwork in Romania. Part I

Stratified sampling and cluster sampling are two of the four types of probabilistic sampling. I suggest we combine them... it might seem weird, yet it really helps with managing random samples. One thing is certain regarding Romania and managing population data records – there is no possibility to draw a random sample of citizens from […]

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Wisemetry Research: Throughout 2021 people will be cautious with their budgets, but will spend money on those small pleasures that were unattainable the year before, such ar travelling

The study was carried out by Wisemetry Research between October 30th and November 4th 2020 and aimed to highlight the challenges caused by the mobility restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus. The study touched on topics such as the organization and challenges of telework, the care and education of children and […]

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Wisemetry Research: 76% of parents of 7- to 17-year-old children are concerned about the negative consequences prolonged use of electronic devices might have on their kids

The study was carried out by the Wisemetry Research between October 30th and November 4th 2020 and aimed to highlight the challenges caused by the mobility restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus. The study touched on topics such as organising remote work, the care and education of children and gender imbalances […]

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Wisemetry Research: 37% of employees working in a mixed work setup – remotely and at the office – say they work more hours when working remotely

The study, which was carried out by Wisemetry Research between October 30th and November 4th 2020 aimed to highlight the challenges caused by the mobility restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus. The study touched on topics such as the organisation of remote work, care and education of children and gender imbalance […]

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What will the Black Friday sales look like this year?

This week’s question is “What will the Black Friday sales look like this year? Will they reach last year’s level – by far its best performance, an increase of 30%, will they be higher or perhaps lower?” eCommerce has grown organically throughout 2020 in an accelerated manner Throughout the year several reports forecasted an increase […]

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Improving education in Romania: is it all about the money?

The root of this article was a simple question and resulted in a small quest for providing a straight answer. What should we change in our schools to get better results at PISA*? In 2018, OECD conducted TALIS - Teaching and Learning International Survey. This survey is set to help countries face diverse challenges in […]

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The post-pandemic workforce environment – heading towards the 4-day work week?

The 4-day work week could be a solution to improving work productivity while also reducing office crowding in the post-pandemic Romanian workforce landscape.  Experiments undertaken in several countries support this argument, results showing a boost in work productivity coupled with other benefits: improved traffic congestion and less crowdedness in public transportation, reduced carbon footprint, reported […]

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The experts’ economic outlook for 2020

The question on everyone’s minds is what to expect from a financial standpoint in 2021. Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic threw off all the economic forecasting announced at the beginning of 2020, as the impact of the measures taken to limit the spread of the virus has yet to be fully understood or evaluated. […]

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